Your Higher Self

My next group ritual, the Vibration Booster, is designed to empower and elevate your vibrational level, working on its connection to your Higher Self. But, who and what is your Higher Self? This question alone would take a whole book to answer, but I’ll do my best to keep it short and to the point:

· Your Higher Self is the highest expression of your intuition, the one that’s always right about people and situations, the quiet but undeniable feeling that tells you right from wrong.

When you rise your vibrational level, you become more aware of that intuition, therefore making better choices, and being more protected from harm.

· Your Higher Self is the You who exists in the future, and who has already learnt the lessons you are and will be facing. They are wise, fierce, and have overcome it all. They’re SO ready to give advice to their younger self.

When you rise your vibrational level, your connection with your future self is empowered, allowing you to receive their wisdom and experience, and to act as a spiritual mentor.

· Your Higher Self is the You who exists in other planes of existence – both parallel AND higher planes. Your Higher Self is a living light of pure Divine Awareness. Your Higher Self is the place where true Love, true Knowledge, and true Vision exist.

When you rise your vibrational level, your access to that awareness increases, allowing you to align with more abundant and powerful blessings.

· Your Higher Self is the unbreakable line that connects you with your Ancestors and your Descendants, completely away from time as a linear concept. It acts in the Eternal Present of Consciousness.

When you rise your vibrational level, it affects both past and future too, healing generational trauma from the past, elevating the Spirits of your Ancestors, and attracting powerful souls to become your descendants.

Participate in the Vibration Booster Ritual at:


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