Leave It In Our Hands

Having your own spiritual practise is, in my opinion, absolutely essential for achieving wisdom, personal development, and a peaceful relationship with the challenging experience that life is – but that does not mean that you have to rely on yourself all the time. There will be many occasions in which you will need a professional; here are a few of the most important.

· When you are grieving. When you are suffering loss, that loss should be your focus. Let the pain be, for as long as it lasts, and turn to your family and friends. Let us handle the prayers, and the rites of elevation, for we are between worlds.

· When you are ill, physically and mentally. This work takes strength, lots of it, and when you are ill, your focus should only be resting and surviving. Let us do the healing and the nurturing, for we are the vehicles of sacred medicine.

· When you are under spiritual attack from entities or curses. You may be dealing with something that is completely out of your league, and trying to fix it yourself usually makes it worse. Let us do the fighting, for we are warriors.

· When you don’t have the space, the time, or the support from those around you. When you are working hard, the Spirits will never judge you for leaving spiritual work in the hands of professionals. Let us do the empowering, for we were chosen to be the channels for that power to reach you.

· When you do not have the skills. Spellwork and ritual take a great deal of knowledge and practise, the right environment, and a powerful connection with the world of Spirit. Let us do the Good Work, for we are those who made all the sacrifices that were asked to be worthy of that work.

As always, feel free to share ❤️!


My Website: Tarot, Spellwork, and Spiritual Services

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Spirit Message: Life Is Your Job


If you think that your Guides, Ancestors, and Spiritual family are there to be your babysitter, you are completely wasting the very purpose of their presence in your life.

You did not come to this incarnation to be taken by the hand, and guided safely through it, never facing fear or danger. That is the fantasy a small child has about their parents – but, you are not a child, and you don’t live in a fantasy.

Spirits are there to guide, to advise, to comfort, to strengthen you, but never to keep you from what you must experience in order to become the fully realized human being that you came to this plane of existence to be.

In Espiritismo, we believe that you chose to incarnate, and you came into existence with the mission of experience the full spectrum of life, its bliss and its pain, the laughter and the tears, the passion and the emptiness – everything.

And the Spirits will not keep you from that: quite the opposite, will often push you towards things that will test you, to help you grow and evolve. And yes, they will be by your side while you navigate those tests, but that does not mean that they will save you from them, or that they will babysit you through them.

To live life is your job, not theirs – they already did that! Life is the gift that has been given to you, and the choices you make will transform that gift into something worthless, or into a treasure of wisdom and love. And for that, you already have the biggest advantage of all: a heart. Keep it clean, keep it open, keep it giving, and keep it grateful, and it will become stronger and stronger, able to absorb the wonder that our very awareness is.



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Reflections: For All Of You

As Spain reaches over a month of full quarantine, I hear and read exhaustion all around me, and I feel that the need of my loved ones for comfort and advice is bigger than ever. And above all, I see that the more disconnected a person is from their spiritual dimension, the worse this situation is affecting them, and the less tools they have to live through it.
Before I go on, let me make this very clear – this is not one of those posts about shaming people for ther choices, or for their fear. I would never go that route, and I am disgusted by anyone who is using this situation to do that. You can be sure you will never get that kind of content from me, because as someone who went through the deep end of mental and physical illness for two decades, I know extremely well what it is to be on the receiving end of that shame. You cannot imagine how much I want to say “now you see what life was for me” to everyone I know – I won’t, of course, but yeah, I will not deny that I want to.
This is a worlwide nightmare, that will cost many people their mental health, and that will cause PTSD symptoms to many others for as long as they live; after one pandemic ends, we will have another, and one that worries me a lot, because it will mainly go unseen, and will mainly affect the poor, the marginalized, the different, the forgotten.
If there ever was a time when having a powerful Spiritual practise in your life was important, it is now. This is about having something in your life to hold on to, that comfort you and saves you from despair. This is about resting your pain, your uncertainty, your fear, in the arms of your Ancestors, your Spirit family, your Deities, the Universe – and letting it rest there, where it does not crush you, because they have power and strength that we do not have now.
So work, work, work as much as you can and with all your strength to keep that Spiritual Connection alive, and lean on it as much as you need. Do not censore or belittle your feelings – feel them, let them tell you what they have to say, and remember that no feeling lasts forever. Meditate, light candles, pray, dance, paint, create, garden, sing, and do anything in your power and within your ability to not allow the enemy to win. That is what saved me through the illness, and that is what can save you too.
And, if you are a spiritual leader, I urge you to share content that is positive and uplifting while being non-shaming, because it is so needed right now. Also, I urge you to take care of yourself with every tool that you have – because the world needs you strong, healthy, and doing the good work for those who need you.


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Dear 2020: A Reflection


Dear 2020,

I promise that I am going to treat you like you deserve. I promise I am going to make you proud. I promise I am going to create you, with every skill I have, as beautiful and as powerful as I can.
Today, you are a blank page – I promise that I will write words of love, of kindness, and of joy on that page. I promise that, with the help of Spirits, the memory of you will be one of success and power; when I look back at you next winter, I will say: I created this, and loved every minute of it.
You are not something that happens to me, because I am not a puppet in the hands of fortuity anymore; you are something that is in my care for 365 days, something that is my responsiblity, my child.
You are welcome. I am very, very glad that you are here.


My Website: brujacarolina.com – Tarot and Spiritual Services

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A Christmas Message



Christmas celebrations can be extremely challenging days for many – those who are missing someone, those who have been casted away by their family, those who are overwhelmed by socializing… so many reasons, and all of them 100% valid.

Whatever it is that you are facing, remember that you do not have to react to anything that happens around you, and that no-one has the right to force you to be cheerful – and just so, no-one has the right to force you to be miserable.

Learn to make some distance between you and the things you are going through, find something and/or someone that you love, and use that love to keep you through the challenges. Sometimes, there is no other choice than going through it, and the only fact you can focus on is that it will be over soon.

Some situations have no solution, no closure, and no retribution, and we cannot allow ourselves to be caught in the pain those situations are causing, because surviving is the most important goal. If you focus on surviving, you will be giving yourself the chance to live happier days.

And when it seems that there is nothing to hold on to, remember that there are two things there, all the time, without fail: YOU, and the Spirits. Don’t give up on yourself, don’t stop working for yourself, don’t allow others’ feelings to dictate yours; you are worth any effort you can do to preserve your heart. And your Spirits will be there, always, supporting you and protecting you.


My Website: brujacarolina.com – Tarot and Spiritual Services

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Reflections: My Biggest Blessing


This month, we are celebrating our Winter Solstice Blessing Service, the last one of 2019 – and as I have done on the past months, I will be posting related reflections and tips on my social media accounts.
So, this month’s theme is blessings. And what is a blessing? A blessing, in my eyes, is something that the Spirits provide to help us grow, evolve, and turn into the highest version of ourselves that we can achieve. Sometimes they are sweet, and for those, nobody needs to prepare; but sometimes, they come in the disguise of a crisis, of a struggle, or even with the face of what we perceive as an adversary.
Let me give you an example from my own life – if you ask me which was the biggest blessing I have ever received, I will always answer that it was the day I almost died, and was hospitalized. I was in the ICU for five days, literally between life and death, and then three more weeks in hospital and heart surgery had to happen before I could be released.
How can that be a blessing? Well, if that day had not happened, I would have never been properly diagnosed, and given the correct treatment I needed to live – and above all, I would not have CHANGED. And believe me, I did need to change. That change (which is still happening, as change only happens in motion) has taken me to reaching the health I needed to work more (and therefore make better money), go back to studying (and therefore be better at my job), and gave me back an excitement and love for life that I had almost forgotten.
And yes, of course I am aware that changing was my choice and my (very hard) work, but without that time of great stress, I would not have found the motivation or the commitment to achieve what I have achieved in the past year and a half. So, what someone else would see as the worst day of their life, I see it as my biggest blessing. And I have no doubt that the Spirits put it in my way to help me.
Participations for the Winter Solstice Service can be found at:


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Spirit Message: It is Time


I never know who will be the recipient of this message, but here it is! As always, this was received during my morning meditation.

Now it is the time to be strong, disciplined, and go for it. There never was a better time for it. Stop making excuses, stop being afraid of failure, and open yourself to total success. Yes, total. You never thought it was possible, but the truth is that it only depends on you. You’ve been holding the key to the door all the time.
Become so hardworking, so dedicated, so focused, that there is no space left for fear or doubt in your mind – where there is the magic of empowered work, neither fear nor doubt can thrive. Realize, once and for all, that you deserve it, that you are worth the effort, and that you will make the best of your own success.
Let go of everything that does not support your goal – there is great power in making sensible decisions, and now it is the time for you to master that power. Forge your future through those decisions, and never forget that through every step, we will be here, supporting you and strengthening you.
As always, feel free to share – these are blessed words from Spirits, and the more people they reach, the better!


My Website: brujacarolina.com – Tarot and Spiritual Services

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Money Magic: Love It!



Our Financial Blessing Service is getting closer – only nine days left to participate! As promised, here is another powerful tip on Money Magic:
If you have been raised in poverty, or with parents who were careless about money, or that got in trouble because of it, you may have developed an unhealthy relationship with money. You may think that money is inherently evil, and that having it automatically corrupts you, and turns you into a monster.
But, none of this is true. Money is a fluid form of energy, and nothing more – the force behind it is your own morality, and your own integrity. Just as there are many villains in this world who make money out of hurting and destroying others, andd people who are too weak to harness its power, there are many heroes who use their money to do good, and who change the world for the better every single day.
What does this have to do with Money Magic? More than you may think. One of the most basic laws of magic is that your desire greatly affects the outcome of magic – basically, if you want to make money, you have to really, really want it. You have to think it, love it, accept it, and welcome it into your life fiercely.
You’ll say “Everyone wants money, and everyone enjoys having it!” Well, this is not true at all. There is a lot of people who think that they don’t deserve it, that they will be destroyed by it, and that they should not have it. There is a lot of people who were taught that ambition equals lack of compassion, that to be wealthy one must be an asshole, that wanting or loving money is the road to perdition.
As long as you too believe this, you will not manifest any lasting wealth.


My Website: brujacarolina.com – Tarot and Spiritual Services

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A Spirit Message


I never know who is the recipient of these messages, but I hope it reaches you! As always, this message was received during my morning meditation.
You are doing extremely well. You may not have reached your goal yet, but you are working very hard, and we are seeing every effort, every sacrifice. And we are very, very proud of you.
Remember that you are allowed failure, that you are allowed setbacks, that you are allowed mistakes. You did not come into this world to be perfect, but to experience life, and life holds pain as much as it holds happiness. The mistakes are part of the experience, and if you use them as teachers instead of as weapons against yourself, you will grow beyond any expectation. Stop punishing yourself, and start learning, and see how the world changes.
We are with you at every turn. Our support and our love is always here for you. You are never alone, never not heard, never not loved. Spirit’s source of love is unending, our forgiveness is unconditional, and our acceptance is total.
Keep working. Keep fighting. Keep learning. And of course, feel free to share, so this messages reaches as many people as possible!


My Website: brujacarolina.com – Tarot and Spiritual Services

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Money Magic: A Spanish Proverb


One of my favourite sayings is “A Dios rogando, y con el mazo dando”, which can be translated as “Praying to God, and pounding the hammer”, and means that for every prayer that you send up to the Spirits, you must make an equivalent effort on this plane.
When you pray without working, expecting the Spirits to work for you, you are being materialistic and selfish in your relationship with them; when you work without praying, you disconnect yourself from alignment, ignoring the fabulous rewards that working with the Spirits can bring you.
This certainly can be applied to every area of our lives, but when it comes to this month’s theme, Money Magic, it is truer than ever. Every time that you mirror your magical efforts with your mundane efforts, you are aligning with your true success, and stepping up as a person – and the more you step up, the more blessings you are allowing yourself to receive.


My Website: brujacarolina.com – Tarot and Spiritual Services

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